As a subject area in high school, the social sciences consider social phenomena and their complexity in terms of space and time, or more precisely, of geography, history and citizenship education. Each of these subjects approaches the social world from a specific viewpoint. Geography provides a spatial perspective, which enables students to see that societies occupy territories whose many differences include differences of scale, and that they relate to these territories in a great variety of ways, while History and Citizenship Education provides a temporal perspective, which enables students to become aware of and understand the roots of the present and the process of social change.
The Cycle One curriculum focuses on helping students become aware of the world around them from Prehistoric time until today. The aim of Social Science is to familiarize young people with different perceptions and concepts that men have developed over time in their efforts to improve their living conditions.
The History and Citizenship course, which is taught in Sec III and Sec IV, explores Canadian and Quebec history in order to help young people understand the society in which they live.
The Secondary V Contemporary World course gives the students a broader understanding through contemporary and international history, exposing them to the important concepts of contemporary societies.
These subjects offer perspectives that promote discussion, reflection and analysis of Mankind. The study of social science is all about opening oneself to the world of yesterday and today.
In a world increasingly diverse and accessible, expertise in the social sciences is a necessary tool for peaceful coexistence. This openness will help tomorrow’s children be part of a more tolerant world and more sensitive to the differences that make us fascinating human beings!