The Arts are front and centre at Talmud Torah!
Character and moral development are central to our performance arts program. Students use their voices and bodies to tell stories, convey emotions and express ideas. Musical performances, class presentations and plays are all the highlights of our students’ educational experience.
Our music program allows our students to experience the joy of music. Through active participation in singing, dancing and playing musical instruments, our students learn to express themselves confidently and creatively.
Our Kindergarten and Cycle One students study violin, which includes learning to follow a beat and performing as part of a group ensemble.
In Cycle Two, students learn to play the recorder as well as the rudiments of music theory. Students in Grade 4 read music, identify notes and perform songs.
Students in Grade 5 work all year long to bringa well known musical to the stage. Recent“Broadway performances ” include Fiddler
On The Roof, Beauty and the Beast, The LittleMermaid and Aladdin.
Through this exciting theatrical adventure students gain lifelong skills in public speaking and voice projection, singing in a chorus, and performing in full make-up and costumes. The collaborative nature of this production is a memorable and impactful life experience, one that students never forget.

Our senior students learn music theory and apply it to the keyboard. They learn how to compose their own songs and write accompanying lyrics. All of these programs enable students to build invaluable performance and public speaking skills in a safe, fun, and creative environment